25 janeiro 2006

Planos até ao Verão...

Na mesinha de cabeceira:

Alice no País das Maravilhas - Lewis Carroll - Publicações D. Quixote (PB)
Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Canción Desesperada - Pablo Neruda (Prólogo de Jorge Edwards) - Alianza Editorial (PB)
Artists and Models - Anaïs Nin - Penguin (PB)
Forgetting Things - Sigmund Freud - Penguin (PB)
Street Haunting - Virginia Wolf - Penguin (PB)
Seventeen Poisoned Englishmen - Gabriel García Márquez - Penguin (PB)
The Kiss - Anton Chekhov - Penguin (PB)

Na prateleira por cima da cama:

Muros - Júlio Machado Vaz - Círculo de Leitores (HC)
Selected Poems - Edgar Allan Poe - Phoenix Poetry (HC)
Mulheres da China - Xinran - Círculo de Leitores (HC)
Gestão da Comunicação - Joaquim Caetano e Luís Rasquinha - Quimera (PB)
O Perfume - Patrick Süskind - Editorial Presença (PB)
A Guerra do Fim do Mundo - Mario Vargas Llosa - Publicações D. Quixote (PB)
A Misteriosa Chama da Rainha Loana - Umberto Eco - Difel (PB)
Orgulho Imperial - Michael Scheuer - Edições Sílabo (PB)
Memórias - Jacques Delors (Prefácio de António Vitorino) - Quetzal Editores (PB)
O Arco Atlântico: Contributos para o Esclarecimento da Actual Posição de Portugal no Mundo - Fórum Portucalense e Instituto Euro-Atlântico (PB)
No Ar: "Live on paper" - José Ramos - Círculo de Leitores (HC)
Vendedores de imagen: Los Retos de los Nuevos Gabinetes de Comunicación - Tomás Álvarez y Mercedes Caballero - Paidós (PB)
The Message - Eugene H. Peterson - Navpress (PB)
Manual del Perfecto Idiota Latinoamericano - Plinio Apuleyo Mendoza, Carlos Alberto Montaner y Álvaro Vargas Llosa (Presentación de Mario Vargas Llosa) - Plaza Janés (PB)
Managing Across Cultures - Susan C. Schneider and Jean-Louis Barsoux - Pearson Education (PB)

5 Somethin' Else:

Blogger Navel escreveu...

I didn't read the list all the way down. I stopped at Muros. My purest and longest passion, the Book of my life. Read it carefully... Sometimes I believe the answers are all there. As well as all the questions...

janeiro 25, 2006 10:37 da manhã  
Blogger SK escreveu...

Perfume and Poe's poetry. Definitely two experiences one never forgets.
Dreams within dreams... I'll say... :)

janeiro 25, 2006 3:34 da tarde  
Blogger M. escreveu...

Navel - Welcome! :)

Thank you for the tip. You've just moved Muros from the bookshelf to the nightstand.

SK - Welcome.

In what comes to Poe, well, given that you gave me that one and you're a dreamer... And Ulalume it's my autumn dream, that's for sure.

Another dreamer gave me Perfume so I'll take your word for that one also.

janeiro 25, 2006 5:50 da tarde  
Blogger Navel escreveu...

Totally agree with Perfume. And also try "Ein Kampf", by Suskind as well, the perfect allegory.
Don't agree with Freud, one shouldn't forget "things", even less people ;)

janeiro 26, 2006 9:53 da manhã  
Blogger M. escreveu...

Thank you for the new tip.

Freud's book is about the mechanics of memory. So I can understand why I forget some things and remember other ones ;)

janeiro 26, 2006 10:09 da manhã  

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