19 fevereiro 2007


I was going through my US stuff, searching for my social security, my driver's license, my Tom & Jerry check book, my ATM card, and I found a 2004 one-leaf-a-day calendar (one of those you usually see in movies, the little square ones), with a George W. Bushism for each and single day of the year. I believe they have been able to reprint it every year with new Bushisms, but it's always worth reviving...

Today's Bushism was "For a century and a half now, America and Japan have formed one of the great and enduring alliances of modern times." (Tokyo, Japan, February 18, 2002)

Two words, Mr. Bush... Harbour. Pearl Harbour.


2 Somethin' Else:

Anonymous Anónimo escreveu...

amazing how the most powerful man on earth is unable to see beyond his own narrow eyes... and yet he was elected, and again... :/


fevereiro 19, 2007 10:47 da manhã  
Blogger Nuno Guronsan escreveu...

Bush as usual...

Movie suggestion: Letters from Iwo Jima. Really, really good...


fevereiro 21, 2007 10:29 da manhã  

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