The all-American writter...
Touchstone, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, has promised to publish a book by a first-time author who wins a contest on, a social-networking site that might be described as MySpace for grown-ups. (NY Times)
If you feel like trying out your skills in Uncle's Sam turf... You can still submit manuscripts.
Besides getting published, you can also win a 5.000USD prize. Who says writing doesn't make a living?? :-)
If you feel like trying out your skills in Uncle's Sam turf... You can still submit manuscripts.
Besides getting published, you can also win a 5.000USD prize. Who says writing doesn't make a living?? :-)
3 Somethin' Else:
Don't think i can do it in english...
Nice news, but in english...It might not be for any Coroneu diaries...
F5! F5! F5!
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